Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mental Muscle

Muscles connect bones together and help coordinate our physical movements. We realize the importance of physical exercise so as to keep muscles strong and flexible.

Mind connects people together and helps coordinate our social movements. We understand physical things quite well.  But we are unaware if there is a mind. Mental activity determines physical activity.  One cannot play cricket if the mind did not bid for it by creating images and imaginary action.

Interestingly, we assume that there exists a mental process or thought process.  Possibly our entire system of education rests squarely on this assumption.

We agree there is 'memory'. Two children born and brought up in the same environment may develop different sequences of memory; thus a different reasoning of cause and effect altogether. We can find many examples of children born in the same family or brought up in similar environment but who have shaped their lives very differently. It can well be argued that fundamentally we have different sequences of memory and thus different interpretation of cause and effect.

Sequence of memory and the resulting interpretation of life's cause and effect impacts the present and future course of action.

Like how physical exercise makes a difference, is there a mental exercise that makes a difference?

Physical exercise is direct experience.  Whereas in the realm of mind, neither the parts that connect nor the connected are known directly.  Hence verification of concepts related to mind are highly subjective. Whatever is known or perceived mentally, is only a shadow of the real which is what we call as memory. We may remember several events that occurred but we do not know what caused them.

The database that the mind relies on is memory.  So exercising one's mind based on memory is equivalent to physical exercise of one's shadow. It is impossible to make the shadow exercise without involving oneself.  Similarly it is impossible to exercise the mind without connecting with other minds.

Hence there can be no mental exercise if one is limited by one's own memory.

Mental exercise is to aggressively feel and digest others experiences and knowledge.  At the same time without any dependence on the other.

Mind is distributed and is not centralized in one's own body.  Mental muscle is the growing awareness of these connections.